Sohrab became aflame in the Master's fire of divine love,
and he recognized it was the same fire as Zarathustra's!

Meher Baba captured the hearts of the Desai family and thereafter returned to the dharmashala. He once again surprised the mandali by immediately canceling the plan for the foot journey to Bombay, deciding instead to stay in Nasik for three months. Acting accordingly, Gustadji went to Andheri, a suburb of Bombay, to obtain permission to use his relative's house in Nasik. Rustom accompanied Gustadji to help persuade the relative.

The foot journey came to a sudden end at Navsari. They had covered 65 miles in five days. After the evening meal, they went to the railway station at eight o'clock. The Desai family, friends and acquaintances were there. Sohrab sat next to Baba while waiting for the train. In a melodious voice, Baba discoursed to him on different spiritual themes. The whole family was overjoyed to be in Baba's presence after having heard so much about him for a long time. Baba and the mandali then left for Nasik on the 10 P.M. train.

He who came from Light was light itself!
The light vanished leaving the moths behind.
They came to him – to the Light –
but when they discovered themselves to be moths,
the light disappeared from view!
But how could moths remain without light?
Now life itself became a constant search
to find the everlasting Light that he had come from!

After a train ride through the night, Baba and the mandali arrived at the Dadar station in Bombay at 5:30 A.M. on July 7th. Gustadji and Burjor P. Dahiwala were waiting at the station, and all immediately left for another station where a train was scheduled to depart for Nasik at 7:25 A.M. News of Meher Baba's arrival had spread throughout the city among his followers. Besides Burjor, Naval and Dina Talati, Hormusji and Rupamai Karani (Dina's parents), the devotees of Charni Road were also present at Dadar. Burjor brought cooked rice and dal for them to take in the train, and Baba lovingly greeted each person. Masaji also met Baba at the station to rejoin the mandali at Nasik. Pendu, who had recovered his health, had departed for Quetta.