The five greatest thieves in the world are the five living Perfect Masters
of their time.
They often steal the hearts of people, and periodically they also steal me and bring me down amongst you.
Again and again I must become what I am, and each time is due to
the five Perfect Masters.
Wherever I may incarnate,
[Persia, India, Israel or Arabia]
at whatever time,
it will always be due to those five.
I never come of my own wish.
It is always the five Perfect Masters who bring me down [into human form] in each Avataric period.
Those five hold the key to all of creation – which contains an infinite number of universes.
Man can become God – and men who become God can become Perfect Masters.
It is because of the five Perfect Masters that I appear on earth as a man.
They fetch me down,
and I experience myself as everything and so I tell you that I am God –
I am everything.
The state of God-Realization – Infinite Knowledge, Power and Bliss – cannot be described.
It can only be known to those
who achieve that supreme experience of the conscious state of God.
God~Realization is beyond the domain of the mind.